As a child, I loved drawing, immersing myself happily in this colorful universe where characters
life away from a sometimes unpleasant reality.
All children draw and have imagination, but sadly most of them give up the pencil when they grow up.
That's what happened to me, I distanced myself from what I liked to do most, to conform to the rhythm of others and forget about painting.
Well, almost.
For the buried dream was only waiting to resurface, and the opportunity presented itself in my thirties when I was surfing the Internet and saw Artquarium.
I made room in my life for this dream.
It's true that I painted a bit on my own, but it was always the same old song and dance, and I wanted to break out of that circle.
At Artquarium, more was revealed than I expected.
I wanted to learn painting techniques and I learned to see.
Gilbert Wolfisberg, painter and philosopher, teaches us to awaken to art and creativity.
He guides us through our work at our own pace, making us feel valued.
I realized that you need to know the language of painting to make a work.
But I had very old brakes, and the laws of composition seemed very rigid to me, because I was afraid of geometry and mathematics.
Thanks to the lessons I was able to overcome these difficulties and I don't regret it.
I thought I knew colors, and I'm surprised to see a chromatic universe of warm and cold palettes, of value scales to be exercised in order to learn to discern subtle nuances.
Before you can play, you need to hone your sensitivity in this area.
The techniques taught in the workshop are complemented by theoretical explanations covering not only composition, but also art history and the analysis of paintings.
Gilbert Wolfisberg shares his passion with us, inspiring us to use the techniques we've learned to create our own paintings.
There's a warm atmosphere in the workshop, with students looking at each other's work and sometimes laughing.
I've been taking Artquarium classes for 3 years now, and when I look back at my first drawings I'm delighted with the work I've done.
I want to paint, to put more creativity in life and I wish it to you too.
Jessica Berrini