L'Artquarium News

At L'Artquarium, art is constantly evolving, and we're delighted to share every step of this journey with you.

In this news section, discover the milestones, upcoming workshops, student testimonials and many other stories that make up the daily life of our workshop.

This is where you'll find the essence of what drives us, our aspirations and our achievements.

Join us on this adventure and be inspired by the richness of our artistic exchanges.

An exciting cycle of conferences at the Artquarium!

Artquarium logo - Art, painting and drawing courses in Geneva
The Artquarium is proud to present an exclusive cycle of three conferences, orchestrated by the talented Gilbert Wolfisberg. A unique opportunity for art lovers and students to delve deep into the secrets of art and expand their knowledge.

The summer course on Composition at the Artquarium: An artistic immersion

Internship on painting composition at the Artquarium
During the summer holidays, L'Artquarium opened its doors for a special course focused on the art of composition. Led by the passionate Gilbert Wolfisberg, this course offered participants a unique opportunity to deepen their knowledge and refine their skills.

Season 2019 – 2020

Artquarium logo - Art, painting and drawing courses in Geneva
On May 9, 2019, the Artquarium participated in the Un soir event which aims to present and highlight the cultural actors of the Eaux-Vives district. On this occasion we presented the work of 80 students. An abundance of multicolored works which are a testimony to the progress of the students and the quality of the teaching of the workshop. Lyric singer Doris de Lys produced a memorable performance which was greeted with thunderous applause.

Season 2018 – 2019

Artquarium logo - Art, painting and drawing courses in Geneva
the Artquarium will participate in a major event which will take place in the Eaux-vives district, organized by an association of artists and gallery owners from the district.

15 years of Artquarium in the Geneva Tribune

Article de La Tribune de Genève sur l'Artquarium
Read the article in La Tribune de Genève: In the heart of Eaux-Vives, an art school prepares to celebrate its 15th anniversary...