This is how I felt when I took a class at Artquarium. Free and encouraged to create, while guided in structure and composition by Gilbert.
With humor and professionalism, he teaches us to read paintings from all centuries. With him, it becomes a game shared with the other participants in the workshop. Always in a good mood, he moves from one to the next to check that our brains have assimilated the essential basics.
With "Structured rhythms" and "Rhythmic structures", you add color palettes and, of course, the basics for a good pencil stroke, and you're all set.
If you sign up, you'll see that Alchimiste Gilbert can work miracles. After the first 10 classes, you'll be hooked!
It takes a move abroad to keep me from going back to the studio.
Thank you Gilbert for saving me from the blank canvas syndrome that overtook me in the summer of 2007 when I wanted to start painting in oils.
Unfortunately, from now on, I'll have to get by without your kind glance over my shoulder. Everyone who's left, enjoy! You're very lucky.
Francine Birchler