Rare, exceptionally rare are the places where the secrets of great painters and composition are still passed on! Artistic expression has literally exploded over the last few decades in a variety of sometimes incomprehensible forms. But few people can pass on the keys to harmony, the interplay of shapes, their dynamism, the coherence of color palettes that enable a balanced composition of space.
Yet this exceptional place of transmission exists in Geneva, at Les Eaux-vives. I discovered it because my drawing skills had reached their limits and I was looking for something else. I needed to meet Gilbert Wolfisberg who, with his gentle firmness, convinced me to take the plunge into painting.
With her support, I discover an unexplored world, infinite in possibilities, and I discover a new part of myself.
We're all capable of doing wonders, of expressing our own sensibility, and at Artquarium we have a sure master to help us reveal ourselves.
Maïlah Le Guennec